Simplify machine error identification and analysis process
VISENSE's integrated Visual Error Exploration System provides you with the software, hardware and support you need to visually detect, document and correct your machine errors - all from a single source.
ONE software + THREE hardware options
To ensure the best possible exploration solution that meets your specific needs, whether for temporary or long-term stationary operations.
VISENSE Software
Unlimited Access to Analysis Platform
Smart Video
Video Capturing
Hardware Enabling Software
On-boarding, Training
and Customer Support
Unlimited Access to Analysis Platform
Video Capturing Features
On-boarding, Training and Customer Support
Hardware Enabling Software
Smart Video Classification
VISENSE Hardware
FIVE cameras
PORTABLE camera system for
rapid overview of machine
problems. No matter where the
place of operation is.
TEN cameras
MOVABLE camera system with
an integrated working station to
observe multiple machines on
one shop floor.
system for permanent long-term
surveillance of one machine
or machine line.
Troubleshooting Suitcase
Troubleshooting Trolley
VISENSE Hardware
Contact us today and discuss which solution can fix your machine problems
Customer Support
At VISENSE, we prioritise your success above all else. You can contact us at any time to ask for advice or request hands-on assistance when needed, completely free of charge.
We provide an on-boarding process that is tailored to your needs and has been designed to ensure that VISENSE is optimally implemented into your work processes.
Our support team is dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience. We offer fast and efficient off- and on-site assistance as well as a helpdesk on our platform.
Our experts will provide training on the correct use of VISENSE in a matter of hours, so your key users are ready to take full advantage of its game-changing features.
VISENSE offers a two-year warranty
on all hardware,
with any equipment replaced immediately if anything
should go wrong.